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  • Writer's pictureKrystian Buszta

Injury prevention - how to survive in the overload training world?

There is no doubt about that human movements can be considered as one of the most complex

systems in science, so why the training approach is not a complex approach?

Hamstring injury rates have increased during recent seasons and now constitute 24% of all injuries in men’s professional football: the UEFA Elite Club Injury Study from 2001/02 to 2021/22!

As we can observe, despite the advancement of technology, the number of injuries in professional football continues to increase. This situation leads to:

  • Financial loss for clubs

  • Financial loss for players

Every injury has negative physical, mental, and financial consequences. That's why Futvalley offers specially designed inertia training aimed at reducing the risk of injury. Inertial devices lead to eccentric overload, which, in simple terms, acts as a vaccine - it causes minimal muscle damage that becomes more resilient to future damage after 2-3 days, ultimately protecting against injuries.

Biofeedback - Live data during every practice

Feeling tired after a match? Feeling undertrained? Both situations are familiar to us. We don't waste time testing players because testing occurs in every training session. We have special encoders that measure the power of the player in each repetition, both in the concentric and eccentric phases. This allows us to monitor the player's load in every training session, ensuring that training sessions are perfectly tailored to their current physical and mental condition.

(1) Ekstrand J, Bengtsson H, Waldén M, et al Hamstring injury rates have increased during recent seasons and now constitute 24% of all injuries in men’s professional football: the UEFA Elite Club Injury Study from 2001/02 to 2021/22 British Journal of Sports Medicine 2023;57:292-298.

(2) Buszta K. Autoorganizacja. Proces treningowy z perspektywy nauk o kompleksowości (2021). Futvalley



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